On 10/16/2013 04:20 PM, Bob Jolliffe wrote:

CCing the list so more eyes can see thid.

Hi Adrian

Sure.  Here are 6 versions of complete pg_hba.conf files:

1.  This works (note the auth method is peer not ident.  my first post
had an error).  Complete one line pg_hba.conf file:

local all postgres peer

2.  This also works. Another one liner

host all all <> md5

3.  This doesn't work

local all postgres peer
host all all <> md5

4.  Neither does this

host all all <> md5
local all postgres peer

5.  This works

host all all <> md5
# local all postgres peer

6.  But this doesn't work

# host all all <> md5
local all postgres peer

Failing with the error:
2013-10-16 22:46:55 GMT LOG:  configuration file
"/etc/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_hba.conf" contains no entries

It seems clear to me now looking at 5 and 6 that there seems to be a
problem parsing the newline which would also be consistent with the
earlier 4.  I've verified with hexl-mode in emacs that there are no
funny hidden characters and the lines are terminated by a single 0x0a

Can't figure out how it can be possible.  The other files eg.
postgresql.conf are obviously being read fine.

I have never seen this <> in a pg_hba,conf. Of course I don't get out much:) Not sure of its purpose. It seems to be in the place of the IP mask.


Adrian Klaver

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