bsreejithin, 05.11.2013 10:04:
> We have a csv file which we upload into postgres DB. If there are some
> errors, like a data mismatch with the database table columns, postgres
> should raise and error and upload should fail.
> What is happening now is that, in case we get some junk date in the upload
> file, postgres does auto-correction and does not raise an error!
> A wrong date like ,say, 33-Oct-2013 gets converted as 2-Nov-2013 when the
> data is loaded into a date field. No error raised.Data gets uploaded!
> How can I prevent this ? I don't want this junk data to get loaded.

I'm pretty sure Postgres will not allow that. 

If I had to guess: you are using a Java program which uses SimpleDateFormat and 
the "lenient" parsing was not disabled.

Because that's exactly what happens with a SimpleDateFormat in it's default 

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