Actually, that doesn't work right. Gives weird results when the column is
an integer


keith=# select min(col1), max(col1) from
 min | max
  86 | 100
(1 row)

keith=# select min(col1::text), max(col1::text) from
 min | max
 100 | 99
(1 row)

Keith Fiske
Database Administrator
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 11:23 PM, Keith Fiske <> wrote:

> That fixed it! In the example and my original as well. Thank you very much!
> And wow that was incredibly misleading where the cast was supposed to go
> going by the error given and when it was thrown. That EXECUTE statement
> works perfectly fine, seeing as the v_record variable got its assignment
> with no issue.
> Any chance you can explain what's going on here? Never would've thought to
> put the cast there to fix the problem.
> --
> Keith Fiske
> Database Administrator
> OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
> On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 11:06 PM, Adrian Klaver <>wrote:
>> On 01/05/2014 06:31 PM, Keith Fiske wrote:
>>> Running into an issue trying to dynamically create some SQL statements
>>> in a plpgsql function. The function below is as simple an example I can
>>> make to reproduce the error. The first loop works without any issues,
>>> but the second throws an error.
>>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testing_record() RETURNS void
>>>      LANGUAGE plpgsql
>>>      AS $$
>>>      v_col       text;
>>>      v_col_names text[];
>>>      v_record    record;
>>>      v_sql       text;
>>> CREATE TEMP TABLE test_temp (col1 int, col2 text, col3 timestamp);
>>> INSERT INTO test_temp VALUES (1, 'stuff', now());
>>> INSERT INTO test_temp VALUES (2, 'stuff', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + '1
>>> day'::interval);
>>> v_col_names := '{"col1","col3"}';
>>> FOR i IN 1..2
>>> LOOP
>>>      IF i = 1 THEN
>>>          EXECUTE 'SELECT min(col1) as min, max(col1) as max FROM
>>> test_temp' INTO v_record;
>>>          RAISE NOTICE 'v_record: %', v_record;
>>>          v_sql := concat('col1 min: ', quote_literal(v_record.min), ',
>>> col1 max: ', quote_literal(v_record.max) );
>>>          RAISE NOTICE 'v_sql: %', v_sql;
>>>      ELSIF i = 2 THEN
>>>          EXECUTE 'SELECT min(col3) as min, max(col3) as max FROM
>>> test_temp' INTO v_record;
>>>          RAISE NOTICE 'v_record: %', v_record;
>>>          v_sql := concat('col3 min: ', quote_literal(v_record.min), ',
>>> col3 max: ', quote_literal(v_record.max) );
>>>          RAISE NOTICE 'v_sql: %', v_sql;
>>>      END IF;
>>> FOREACH v_col IN ARRAY v_col_names
>>> LOOP
>>>         EXECUTE 'SELECT min('||v_col||') as min, max('||v_col||') as max
>>> FROM test_temp' INTO v_record;
>>>         RAISE NOTICE 'v_record: %', v_record;
>>>         v_sql := concat(v_col
>>>              , ' min: '
>>>              , quote_literal(v_record.min)
>>>              , ', '
>>>              , v_col
>>>              , ' max: '
>>>              , quote_literal(v_record.max)
>>>            );
>>>         RAISE NOTICE 'v_sql: %', v_sql;
>>> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_temp;
>>> END
>>> $$;
>>> keith=# select testing_record();
>>> NOTICE:  v_record: (1,2)
>>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col1 min: '1', col1 max: '2'
>>> NOTICE:  v_record: ("2014-01-05 21:24:21.039656","2014-01-06
>>> 21:24:21.039656")
>>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col3 min: '2014-01-05 21:24:21.039656', col3 max:
>>> '2014-01-06 21:24:21.039656'
>>> NOTICE:  v_record: (1,2)
>>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col1 min: '1', col1 max: '2'
>>> NOTICE:  v_record: ("2014-01-05 21:24:21.039656","2014-01-06
>>> 21:24:21.039656")
>>> ERROR:  type of parameter 7 (timestamp without time zone) does not match
>>> that when preparing the plan (integer)
>>> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function testing_record() line 34 at assignment
>>> I've narrowed down the exact point of the error being the
>>> quote_literal() calls. If I commend them out like this:
>>>         v_sql := concat(v_col
>>>              , ' min: '
>>> --            , quote_literal(v_record.min)
>>>              , ', '
>>>              , v_col
>>>              , ' max: '
>>> --            , quote_literal(v_record.max)
>>>            );
>>> Then the function runs without any issues, but obviously the values are
>>> missing from the NOTICE
>>> keith=# select testing_record();
>>> NOTICE:  v_record: (1,2)
>>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col1 min: '1', col1 max: '2'
>>> NOTICE:  v_record: ("2014-01-05 21:25:58.603149","2014-01-06
>>> 21:25:58.603149")
>>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col3 min: '2014-01-05 21:25:58.603149', col3 max:
>>> '2014-01-06 21:25:58.603149'
>>> NOTICE:  v_record: (1,2)
>>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col1 min: , col1 max:
>>> NOTICE:  v_record: ("2014-01-05 21:25:58.603149","2014-01-06
>>> 21:25:58.603149")
>>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col3 min: , col3 max:
>>>   testing_record
>>> ----------------
>>> (1 row)
>>> In the real function I'm writing, the columns to be used in the string
>>> being created are pulled from a configuration table, so their types
>>> could be anything. So casting the quote_literal() calls is not really an
>>> option here.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Cast before the quote_literal?
>> Example:
>> EXECUTE 'SELECT min('||v_col||'::text) as min, max('||v_col||'::text) as
>> max FROM test_temp' INTO v_record;
>> postgres@test=# select testing_record();
>> NOTICE:  v_record: (1,2)
>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col1 min: '1', col1 max: '2'
>> NOTICE:  v_record: ("2014-01-05 20:02:40.387425","2014-01-06
>> 20:02:40.387425")
>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col3 min: '2014-01-05 20:02:40.387425', col3 max:
>> '2014-01-06 20:02:40.387425'
>> NOTICE:  v_record: (1,2)
>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col1 min: '1', col1 max: '2'
>> NOTICE:  v_record: ("2014-01-05 20:02:40.387425","2014-01-06
>> 20:02:40.387425")
>> NOTICE:  v_sql: col3 min: '2014-01-05 20:02:40.387425', col3 max:
>> '2014-01-06 20:02:40.387425'
>>  testing_record
>> ----------------
>>> --
>>> Keith Fiske
>>> Database Administrator
>>> OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
>> --
>> Adrian Klaver

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