Hi Folks,

I've got a question. Users that use the web-based databases that I've 
recently written (cgi-perl and pgsql) sometimes come up with errors when they 
input information. I have realized that I need to write some very rigorous 
error-checking routines in order to make sure that whatever they are typing 
in makes it into the database, or flags them for re-input, and doesn't result 
in an unrecoverable error. What I need to do is two-fold - escape stuff that 
is easy (like single quotes), and do testing of types (make sure they are not 
putting non-numerics in int fields, etc.)

I'm not a newbie at either perl or pgsql, but I'm definitely not yet a guru. 

I've identified quotes in particualr as characters I need to make sure 
get taken care of in some way or another before I pass them to a query. Are 
there others that folks know about, especially combinations of characters 
that lead to wierdness?

Other things I should be thinking about?


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

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