> From: Shaun Thomas <stho...@optionshouse.com>
>To: 'bricklen' <brick...@gmail.com> 
>Cc: "pgsql-general@postgresql.org" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org> 
>Sent: Friday, 7 February 2014, 22:36
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Better Connection Statistics
>> I don't know any tools off-hand, but you might be able to generate
>> partial statistics from the log files with a descriptive log_line_prefix
>> like "%m [%p] (user=%u) (db=%d) (rhost=%h) [vxid:%v txid:%x] [%i] "
>We get 60k queries per second all day long. No way am I turning on query 
>logging to capture the stats I want. :)
>Last month, I needed to track something down and set 
>log_min_duration_statement to 0, logging everything each connection does. It 
>was only like that for 10 seconds, and I ended up with about 400MB of log 
>output. I shudder to think of what would happen if I left it that way.

We have a similar issue here, I tend to set log_min_diration statement = 0 just 
for the user I want to know about and then run the logs through pg_badger.  
Agreed that a more granular pg_stat_database would be awesome.

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