On 26/02/14 09:32, Merlin Moncure wrote:

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 3:43 PM, john.tiger 
<john.tigernas...@gmail.com><mailto:john.tigernas...@gmail.com> wrote:

Somehow my comments didn't go thru on the soup blog but wanted to throw in
more support for this patch

Josh, you are so right on the money.  An ACID compliant db that serves JSON
is great.  Sorry I didn't make SCALE this year to hear the PG talks and stop
by and say hi.  Maybe at Open West ?  We are incorporating Postgres JSON
served from Nodejs (using Express to offer the REST side) into several new
products.   For modern web apps, JSON just makes so much sense.

Yes, the Node driver needs some work - hopefully we can contribute as we
work more with it.  I'm particularly interested in working offline, then
synching (vis-a-vis couch/pouch).  If anyone else is working on this issue
please feel free to touch base.

Aside: I also have basically completely switched to node.js/express +
postgres (via 'node-postgres').  It's absolutely fantastic.  Besides
the obvious great and getting better json support, you have other
postgres-ism that mesh very well with node: asynchronous notification
for example.


I'm in the process of prototyping a DB-backed REST web service as a 
side-project. It's still early
days, but I've been handed a PHP/mysql setup.
After a bit of searching around, I thought that the exact combination above 
(node.json/express +
node-postgres), possibly coupled with JSON datatypes, could be a really 
effective solution. ()

Now for the advocacy part - before I saw this thread I wasn't sure whether 
there were any real-world
implementations of this combination. Are there any good skeletons or prototypes 
out there to get a
RESTful web service up and running with express and postgres?


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