
context: Higher Education (Bachelor and Master degrees)

i'am considering forming what the EU calls a strategic partnership.
This can be used to get funding for this partnership.

* Roadmap: project needs to be written, await for approval, then execute
the project (ie the actions that we're put in the project proposal)
* Deadline for the application: the end of april 2014
* For who: between 3 (and 7 or so) institutions of Higher education and 
optionally a company/organisation (one these partners can be of non
European origin)
* Funding period: 1-3 year
* Budget: between 50K en 150K / year

In short: why should the EU fund this project? The funding is for
educational and optionally research goals. So for example using the
funding for software development is not an option.

So if u are seriously interested, let me know.
Let it be clear that some work needs to done to write the proposal.
Also no garanties, since the the project needs to be approved,
it's a new program, so predicting the approval chances is hard, but i
think it's an opportunity.


Wim Bertels 
Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven 
Departement Gezondsheidszorg en Technologie 
Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven 
Tel: +32 (0) 16 375 200 - Fax: +32 (0) 16 375 299 

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