ajay <akmani1...@gmail.com> writes:
> hello team , 
> i am trying to enter this insert command in postgres 
> insert into mmsuper.notification 
> values('101','12','13','حب|welcome|आपकास्वागतहै','bye','goodbye','low
> balance',5);
> now when i am trying to paste this in postgres in Solaris , it is giving me
> error 

> fm_db_Server1-# insert into mmsuper.notification 
> values('101','12','13','Segmentation Fault

> and comes out of postgres prompt....
> also when i am trying to press up arrow key , then also it is giving me
> above error.

This suggests you've got a broken readline library.  Can you do the
paste successfully when psql is started with the --no-readline switch?
If so, you need to get a more up-to-date copy of libreadline and relink
psql against that.

                        regards, tom lane

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