On 4 April 2014 13:04, Oleg Bartunov <obartu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Armand Turpel
> <armand.turpel.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A few questions about jsonb and hstore:
>> 1. does jsonb replace hstore?
> no, it's different data type
>> 2. compatibility of jsonb <> hstore?
> hstore is a simple key-value model, while jsonb - richer  document-based 
> model.
>> 3. will the development of hstore continue?
> I don't believe so, we froze nested hstore to concentrate development
> resources to jsonb.   Nested hstore still available from
> http://www.sigaev.ru/git/gitweb.cgi?p=hstore.git;a=summary
> It's should be compatible with 9.3
>> 4. is it recommended to use jsonb when planning new projects?
> yes, we are working on jsonb support.

One major advantage of hstore over json/jsonb at the moment is data
manipulation, which could make json/jsonb a non-starter for some.

For example, in hstore one can do:

-- remove a key/value pair by key
UPDATE mytable SET hcolumn = hcolumn - 'mykey'::text;


-- remove a key/value pair by key/value
UPDATE mytable SET hcolumn = hcolumn - 'mykey=>myvalue'::hstore;


-- add/replace a key/value pair
UPDATE mytable SET hcolumn = hcolumn || 'newkey=>newvalue'::hstore;

You can't do something like that with json/jsonb at the moment, and
that's not going to be possible in the upcoming version either.  You'd
probably have to resort to application-side modification, or use
something like pl/v8.


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