Hi Hadi, hi all

It makes sense to me to design cstore_fdw for volume of data which is
larger than main memory.

Coming back to my original thread, I'd like to ponder further on what makes
in-memory special - and how to configure or extend Postgres to implement

I found e.g. some brand new functions of SQL Server called
"Memory-optimized tables" which "fully reside in memory and can’t be paged
out", are garbage collected, have special index, are persisting changes
using transaction log and checkpoint streams, and are monitored for not
running out-of-memory [1][2] - i.e. pretty much what has been discussed
here - although little bit reluctantly :-)

Yours, Stefan

[1] "SQL Server In-Memory OLTP Internals Overview for CTP2" (PDF)
[2] "SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP: Memory Management for Memory-Optimized

2014-04-07 17:40 GMT+02:00 Hadi Moshayedi <h...@citusdata.com>:

> Hey Stefan,
> @Hadi: Can you say something about usage of cstore FDW in-memory?
> We designed cstore_fdw with the applications in mind where volume of data
> is much larger than main memory. In general, columnar stores usually bring
> two benefits:
> 1. Doing less disk I/O than row stores. We can skip reading entire columns
> or column blocks that are not related to the given query. This is effective
> when (a) volume of data is larger than main memory so OS cannot cache whole
> dataset, (b) most of our queries only require a small subset of columns to
> complete.
> 2. Vector processing and making better use of CPU. This usually helps most
> when data is in memory. If data is in disk and is not cached, I/O cost is
> usually higher than CPU cost, and vector processing may not help much.
> cstore_fdw tries to optimize for #1. Also note that because we use
> compression, more data can be cached in memory and chance of hitting disk
> decreases.
> But we don't do vector processing yet, and it is not our three month
> timeline.
> If you want to be able use more CPU cores in PostgreSQL, you can have a
> look at CitusDB [1] which is built upon PostgreSQL and distributes queries
> to use all cpu cores in a single or more machines.
> [1] http://citusdata.com/
> -- Hadi

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