On 04/15/2014 09:53 AM, Robert DiFalco wrote:
Actually that was exactly the initial table design. There were more fields because for my use case there were a lot more states and certain states have additional data (for example when a call goes from answered to connected it also gets the user_id of the person being connected to). So that one table started getting a LOT of columns which starting making it hard to reason about.

The more normalized version has a couple of things going for it. COUNT, MIN, MAX, etc are very fast because I don't have to conditionally add null checks. Everything is inserted so for the millions of calls that get made the normalized schema was much more efficient for writing. It was also easier to understand. The answer table only has calls that were answered, the error table only has calls the resulted in an error after being connected, etc.

I know this kind of gets into a religious area when discussing NULLs and what level of normalization is appropriate so I don't want to spark any of that on this thread. But only doing inserts and never doing updates or deletes performed very well for large data sets.

That said, I could explore a compromise between the monolithic table approach and the completely normalized set of tables approach. Thanks for your input!

I wonder if the "LOT of columns" are the bits that need to be parcelled off as specific to one condition of a call?

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