On 04/30/2014 03:50 AM, Willy-Bas Loos wrote:
On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Rémi Cura <remi.c...@gmail.com <mailto:remi.c...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    with latest version 9.3 you can use a copy from with a programm as
    You can use the unix | pipe for most of the stuff.

    If you have an older version you can use the mkfifo command to
    "trick" postgres into believing he will copy from a file.

Hi, you're right i can see the new feature in the docs.
But since i am working from the (bash) command line already, i don't see any use for this.
I already pass the data like this:
cat <file> |psql -c "copy <table> from stdin NULL ''" <db> > <file>.log 2>&1

It's especially handy if you want to stay in sql(transaction), i gues.


Willy-Bas Loos
Unless you know this is the only problem (extra/missing tab) I would triage the file with a scripting language. One favourite check is

   awk '{a[NF]++}END{print "Field count: Record count";for (i in
   a){printf "%11d : %d", i, a[i]}}

If you only have the tab problem you will get two lines of output with field count = N, N-1. Take care in setting the field separator.

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