Hi Friends, 


Could somebody help me with crosstab function ?  I have warehouse table:


CREATE TABLE tblwarehouse (

    id integer NOT NULL,

    warehousename character varying(20)



COPY tblwarehouse (id, warehousename) FROM stdin;

2     OFFICE

3     STORE2



And product table :


CREATE TABLE tblproduct (

    id serial NOT NULL,

    produkid text,

    warehouseid integer,

    onhand integer



COPY tblproduct (produkid, warehouseid, onhand) FROM stdin;

2791404000014     2     10

2791404000021     3     10

2791404000014     3     45



I need crosstab function to display record from tblproduct like this :



---------------+--------+--------+ ------

 2791404000014 |     10 |     45 |   55

 2791404000021 |      0 |     10 |   10


The crosstab warehouse column name (OFFICE & Store2) is taken from
tblwarehouse so when user add warehouse, crosstab column name will change
automatically. And also each row has total qty.




Thanks in advance !


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