On 06/05/14 17:15, bricklen wrote:
On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Marcus Engene <meng...@engene.se <mailto:meng...@engene.se>> wrote:

    On 06/05/14 16:58, bricklen wrote:

        A very quick search shows that rds supports dblink, so perhaps
        that would work.

    Then I'd need to open our servers to external visits. It would be
    lovely if dblink_exec could push a subselect of data instead
    instead of pull from RDS. Does this make sense?

Is the idea to pull data from the RDS to your local machine? If so, dblink or possibly plproxy[1] should be able to do that.

[1] https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PL/Proxy
Sorry, no, I want to push data from my local machine but I've only seen examples of push with dblink_exec and litteral values rather than a subselect or smth.

Best regards,

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