On 05/08/2014 03:11 PM, Vincent de Phily wrote:
On Thursday 08 May 2014 06:30:39 Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 05/08/2014 04:09 AM, Vincent de Phily wrote:

DO_LOOP is tested in a few places where we can make a clean exit. A cronjob
will restart the process if it is not or badly running.

          results = curs.fetchall()
          rlen = len(results)

          if rlen > 0:
              LOG.debug("Fetched %d rows", rlen)

             # What do you see in LOG for rlen values?

The histogram shows a large amount of small values, progressively becoming
rarer for bigger values, up to value 5000 which is very frequent again
(depending on the day, between 0.5 and 5% of queries return the maximum number
of rows), then a handfull freak values of ~9k, 11k, 15k, 33k, 46k, 107k, etc
which cause my problems.

So just to be clear this the value for rlen and that value and log message only appear in the loop above?

As Sim suggested, it might be worth it to add a unique id to the above message to prove or not that the values are coming from where you think they are.

          if rlen == 0:
              # [...] wait for notification...

          # [...] Enqueue batch and let other threads process it.
          # [...] Those threads will eventually delete the processed rows
          #       the foo table.

The problem is that sometimes (once every few days at about 2-300K queries
per day) I get many more rows than the max 5000 I asked for (I've seen up
to 25k). And I'm getting timeouts and other problems as a result.

And there is no instance of the UPDATE query that is unconstrained and a code path to that query?

Or as Sim suggested another copy of this code without the LIMIT?

Also what happens in the rlen == 0 case?

Any idea ? Thanks.

Adrian Klaver

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