On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 6:48 AM, Peeyush Agarwal <
peeyushagarwal1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the reply :)
> Yes, Storing timestamp as timestamp [ (p) ] would be better. I simplified
> the session in question. It may contain alphabets as well. So, I will
> probably need to store it as a string only.
> The problem with types of events is that it is not fixed and will keep
> increasing over time (as more event types are added depending on the need).
> Would you still recommend saving a map in another table? Will it have a
> significant storage benefit and are there any other benefits? Storing it in
> the app will require some addition in code each time a new event type is
> added which is not difficult but time consuming and tedious.
Depending on how many types of events (store it as an smallint) . Integer
indexes can be searched faster + require less size than text ones.
If some parameters inside the json field show up all the time maybe put
them on their own fields, so you don't store the key each time + indexes
build faster.

> I am not very familiar with json data type. Can I query on it as
> effectively as hstore? Also, is it possible to index it partially so as to
> increase query speeds for certain types of queries? For eg. I would require
> parameter username in a lot of queries so I would like to partially index
> over it.
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-json.html for
expression indexes (also make partial indexes, when fields don't exist).
(more functions will come with jsonb in 9.4).

> Peeyush Agarwal
> On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Dorian Hoxha <dorian.ho...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Why not store session as integer?
>> And timestamp as timesamp(z?) ?
>> If you know the types of events, also store them as integer , and save a
>> map of them in the app or on another table ?
>> And save the parameters as a json column, so you have more data-types?
>> Hstore only has strings.
>> Be carefull with the mongodb hipster on the stackoverflow post.
>> Elasticsearch is often used for log collection.
>> So, what really is the problem ?
>> On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 4:11 AM, Peeyush Agarwal <
>> peeyushagarwal1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have log data of the following format:
>>> Session    Timestamp    Event                Parameters1          1         
>>>    Started Session      1          2            Logged In            
>>> Username:"user1"2          3            Started Session1          3         
>>>    Started Challenge    title:"Challenge 1", level:"2"2          4          
>>>   Logged In            Username:"user2"
>>> Now, a person wants to carry out analytics on this log data (And would
>>> like to receive it as a JSON blob after appropriate transformations). For
>>> example, he may want to receive a JSON blob where the Log Data is grouped
>>> by Session and TimeFromSessionStart and CountOfEvents are added before
>>> the data is sent so that he can carry out meaningful analysis. Here I
>>> should return:
>>> [
>>>   {
>>> "session":1,"CountOfEvents":3,"Actions":[{"TimeFromSessionStart":0,"Event":"Session
>>>  Started"}, {"TimeFromSessionStart":1, "Event":"Logged In", 
>>> "Username":"user1"}, {"TimeFromSessionStart":2, "Event":"Startd Challenge", 
>>> "title":"Challenge 1", "level":"2" }]
>>>   },
>>>   {
>>>     "session":2, 
>>> "CountOfEvents":2,"Actions":[{"TimeFromSessionStart":0,"Event":"Session     
>>> Started"}, {"TimeFromSessionStart":2, "Event":"Logged In", 
>>> "Username":"user2"}]
>>>   }]
>>> Here, TimeFromSessionStart, CountOfEvents etc. [Let's call it synthetic
>>> additional data] will not be hard coded and I will make a web interface to
>>> allow the person to decide what kind of synthetic data he requires in the
>>> JSON blob. I would like to provide a good amount of flexibility to the
>>> person to decide what kind of synthetic data he wants in the JSON blob.
>>> If I use PostgreSQL, I can store the data in the following manner:
>>> Session and Event can be string, Timestamp can be date and Parameters can
>>> be hstore(key value pairs available in PostgreSQL). After that, I can
>>> use SQL queries to compute the synthetic (or additional) data, store it
>>> temporarily in variables in a Rails Application (which will interact with
>>> PostgreSQL database and act as interface for the person who wants the JSON
>>> blob) and create JSON blob from it.
>>> However I am not sure if PostgreSQL is the best choice for this use
>>> case. I have put the detailed question on SO at
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23544604/log-data-analytics
>>>  Looking for some help from the community.
>>> Peeyush Agarwal
> --
> Peeyush Agarwal
> IIT Kanpur
> +91 8953453689

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