I just figured it out :-

I just figured it out :-

yelloday_development=# select id, workplace_ids from reporting_groups ;
 id | workplace_ids 
  2 | {}
  3 | {}
  1 | {}
  5 | {2}
  4 | {1}
(5 rows)

yelloday_development=# select id, workplace_ids from reporting_groups where 
workplace_ids && ARRAY[2,4];
 id | workplace_ids 
  5 | {2}
(1 row)

yelloday_development=# select id, workplace_ids from reporting_groups where 
workplace_ids && ARRAY[];
ERROR:  cannot determine type of empty array
LINE 1: ...ce_ids from reporting_groups where workplace_ids && ARRAY[];
HINT:  Explicitly cast to the desired type, for example ARRAY[]::integer[].
yelloday_development=# select id, workplace_ids from reporting_groups where 
workplace_ids && ARRAY[]::integer[];
 id | workplace_ids 
(0 rows)
yelloday_development=# select id, workplace_ids from reporting_groups where 
workplace_ids && ARRAY[1,4,5]::integer[];
 id | workplace_ids 
  4 | {1}
(1 row)

Arup Rakshit

On Wednesday, 4 June 2014 12:05 PM, Arup Rakshit <arupraks...@rocketmail.com> 

Just to help you guys the error - here is the full error stack . I am using an 
ORM with Rails

2.1.0 :001 > ReportingGroup.where("ARRAY[?] && workplace_ids", 
   (0.4ms)  SELECT COUNT("workplaces"."id") FROM "workplaces"
D, [2014-06-04T12:00:23.479024 #14429] DEBUG -- :    (0.4ms)  SELECT 
COUNT("workplaces"."id") FROM "workplaces"
  Workplace Load (0.2ms)  SELECT id FROM "workplaces"
D, [2014-06-04T12:00:23.479496 #14429] DEBUG -- :   Workplace Load (0.2ms)  
SELECT id FROM "workplaces"
  ReportingGroup Load (0.9ms)  SELECT "reporting_groups".* FROM 
"reporting_groups" WHERE (ARRAY[1,2] && workplace_ids)
D, [2014-06-04T12:00:23.560772 #14429] DEBUG -- :   ReportingGroup Load (0.9ms) 
 SELECT "reporting_groups".* FROM "reporting_groups" WHERE (ARRAY[1,2] && 
 => #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<ReportingGroup id: 5, created_at: "2014-06-03 
12:06:40", updated_at: "2014-06-03 12:06:40", company_id: nil, name: "test123", 
owner_id: nil, logo_file_name: nil, logo_content_type: nil, logo_file_size: 
nil, logo_updated_at: nil, cover_image_file_name: nil, 
cover_image_content_type: nil, cover_image_file_size: nil, 
cover_image_updated_at: nil, team_ids: [], reporting_group_ids: [], 
workplace_ids: [2]>, #<ReportingGroup id: 4, created_at: "2014-06-02 11:55:03", 
updated_at: "2014-06-04 05:56:20", company_id: nil, name: "biz", owner_id: nil, 
logo_file_name: nil, logo_content_type: nil, logo_file_size: nil, 
logo_updated_at: nil, cover_image_file_name: nil, cover_image_content_type: 
nil, cover_image_file_size: nil, cover_image_updated_at: nil, team_ids: [1], 
reporting_group_ids: [], workplace_ids: [1]>]> 
2.1.0 :002 > ReportingGroup.where("ARRAY[?] && workplace_ids", [])
  ReportingGroup Load (0.6ms)  SELECT "reporting_groups".* FROM 
"reporting_groups" WHERE (ARRAY[NULL] && workplace_ids)
D, [2014-06-04T12:00:30.264431 #14429] DEBUG -- :   ReportingGroup Load (0.6ms) 
 SELECT "reporting_groups".* FROM "reporting_groups" WHERE (ARRAY[NULL] && 
PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR:  operator does not exist: text[] && integer[]
LINE 1: ...ps".* FROM "reporting_groups"  WHERE (ARRAY[NULL] && workpla...
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need 
to add explicit type casts.
: SELECT "reporting_groups".* FROM "reporting_groups"  WHERE (ARRAY[NULL] && 
E, [2014-06-04T12:00:30.264546 #14429] ERROR -- : PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: 
 operator does not exist: text[] && integer[]
LINE 1: ...ps".* FROM "reporting_groups"  WHERE (ARRAY[NULL] && workpla...
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need 
to add explicit type casts.
: SELECT "reporting_groups".* FROM "reporting_groups"  WHERE (ARRAY[NULL] && 
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR:  operator does 
not exist: text[] && integer[]
LINE 1: ...ps".* FROM "reporting_groups"  WHERE (ARRAY[NULL] && workpla...
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need 
to add explicit type casts.
: SELECT "reporting_groups".* FROM "reporting_groups"  WHERE (ARRAY[NULL] && 

Arup Rakshit

On Wednesday, 4 June 2014 11:55 AM, Arup Rakshit <arupraks...@rocketmail.com> 


Suppose I have a table

 CREATE TABLE sal_emp (
    name            text,
    pay_by_quarter  integer[],

Now I have a query -

select * from sal_emp where pay_by_quarter && some_var

Now some var some times is fully empty, then I am getting error as 

PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR:  operator does not exist: text[] && integer[]
       LINE 1: ...ps".* FROM "reporting_groups"  WHERE (ARRAY[NULL] && 


How to fix this ? The error is taken from production and the example I gave 
above is the same as per our current query in production.
Arup Rakshit

On Monday, 2 June 2014 9:04 PM, Steve Crawford <scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com> 

On 06/02/2014 03:54 AM, Arup Rakshit wrote:

>Suppose, I have a table as below :-
>id |    title     |    content     |       tags
>  1 | sample post  | lorem ipsum    | {apple,orange}
>  2 | another post | fruits are bad | {apple,hamburger}
>  3 | third post   | foo bar            | { banana, lemon }
>  4 | third post   | foo baz           | { watermelon, lemon }
>Now I want to select all rows, for which tags will having either one or all 
>value from the this array [apple,banana] ? how should I write the query using 
>such a set ?
>output should select 1,2,3.
>Arup Rakshit
Perhaps the && (overlaps) operator will work best for you.
    Check out the available operators at:


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