
Le 2014-06-17 à 08:31, Oliver <ofab...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
> I'm a newbie in postgresql. I've mounted my first postgresql instance, it is 
> empty now, only with default postgres DB.
> It is under Linux, with 2 filesystems, one for data and another for archiving 
> (I've enabled archiving as it will be for production).
> Could someone recommend me a strategy for backups, scripts and so on? 
> Can base backup be done with the system up (postgres up), isn't it?
> Would it be ok if I do a base backup each week and archiving backup each day?
> As I've not configured backups (and archiving deletion), I've had my first 
> problem and it is that my archiving filesystem (FS) is full and archiver 
> process is showing "failed" with the last wal file copy (normal as archiving 
> FS is full).
> Please, recommend me what I should make now .. I should create another 
> network FS for base backups and archiving backups? When I have my first base 
> backup, could I then delete archiving files, isn't it?
> My archiving FS has 20GB, I don't understand as with a system without load 
> (it will be for production, but it hasn't databases now .. only postgres), 
> how it full the FS in a few days ... Is it normal?
> Thanks beforehand.

Welcome to PostgreSQL!

The PostgreSQL manual has a great section on backup and restore: 

I found value in « Instant PostgreSQL Backup and Restore How-To » at 

Regarding your questions:

* Yes, base backups can be made while the server is up and running. PostgreSQL 
has a tool named pg_basebackup to do just that 
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/app-pgbasebackup.html. I 
personally use OmniPITR to handle my base backups and continuous archiving 
https://github.com/omniti-labs/omnipitr . There also exists WAL-E 
https://github.com/wal-e/wal-e which backs up your data to S3 / Rackspace 
CloudFiles automatically.

* Your WAL files are of no value once you have a new base backup: the new base 
backup includes all previous WAL files. You can think of a base backup as a 
snapshot. WAL files describe changes to the last snapshot. Depending on your 
rate of change, you can delete obsolete WAL files that are older than « a few 
days » than the last base backup. I personally keep 3 weeks of WAL files, 2 
weeks of base backups.

* The vacuum daemon will vacuum databases regularly, and checkpoints will also 
occur on a schedule, even on a system without activity. Those processes will 
generate some amount of WAL archives. WAL archives compress very well: 16MB to 
4MB is very typical on my system.

* My database is too big to do pg_dump (3 TiB), so I dont, but I have weekly 
base backups, plus the WAL archives which I keep for three weeks.

Hope that helps!
François Beausoleil

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