If there's no simple way to do this, I think I found an example of what I
need in function printQuery in psql/print.c


On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, adb wrote:

> Is there an easy way in libpq to get the results from 
> any query as strings.
> Imagine a cgi where you input any query and then it prints
> out the rows returned
> Something like this example of mysql code:
> // fetch each row using mysql_fetch_row
>   MYSQL_ROW row;
>   unsigned int num_fields;
>   if( sql_result ) {
>     num_fields = mysql_num_fields( sql_result );
>     while( ( row = mysql_fetch_row( sql_result ) ) ) {
>       outputBuf_.print( L"<r>" );
>       for( unsigned int i = 0; i < num_fields ; i++ ) {
>         char * rowVal = row[i];
>         if( !rowVal ) {
>           rowVal = "";
>         }
>         outputBuf_.print( L"<c>%a</c>", rowVal );
>       }
>       outputBuf_.print( L"</r>\n" );
>     }
>   } 
> Thanks,
> Alex.

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