On 20 Jul 2014, at 5:38, mapl...@light42.com wrote:

> Assume I have a table of all schools in the US, and another with all museums,
> and I want to see all museums that are within some distance of each school, 
> by school.
> (yes this is spatial but the distance is just a function call - no mystery 
> there)

> --
> select  
>   distinct on (s.name)  s.name as school_name, 
>   m.name as museum_name, m.admin2, 
>   st_distance( s.geom::geography, m.geom::geography )::integer as dist, 
>   rank() over ( partition by (s.name, s.admin2)   
>     order by st_distance( s.geom::geography, m.geom::geography )) as rank
> from   museum m, school s
> where 
>   s.admin2 = 'Alameda County'  AND 
>   m.admin1 = 'California'  AND 
>   st_dwithin( m.geom::geography, s.geom::geography, 9000 )
> ORDER BY  s.name, dist;
> —

> this query seems to work.. comments welcome

Are you sure you want to restrict museums to s specific state? What if a school 
is near a state-border and there are museums of interest on the other side?
What about schools or musea that have multiple locations (or a central 
administrative location)?

If performance is an issue, neither schools nor museums tend to move around a 
lot and there aren’t too many of either: You could store those distances in a 
table linking schools and musea and update that table when convenient (a daily 
cron job, insert triggers, whatever suits you).

Alban Hertroys
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll find there is no forest.

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