[] On Behalf Of Eelke Klein
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:31 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] postgresql_fdw issues with triggers on the foreign tables

I'm experimenting with using foreign data wrappers to get data from one 
database to another. Most things work perfectly but I am encountering two 
issues with triggers on the foreign tables.

The first one is when a query triggers a trigger on the foreign table the 
trigger doesn't have any search_path. Not even a select on a table in public 
will work from the trigger unless I specify the schema name.
The second problem has to do with DEFAULT values. One of the tables i'm 
inserting data on has a column called id of type bigserial. This column is not 
filled by the INSERT statement I'm using so should use it's default which is 
nextval('...'::regclass); However in the BEFORE INSERT trigger the value of IS NULL while normally it would already be assigned a value from the 
The issues with the triggers do not occur when they are triggered by statements 
executed directly on the database. Only when the statements come from the FDW I 
have these issues.

The "local" database is version 9.3.3 x64 windows from EnterpriseDB
The foreign database is version 9.3.2 x64 freebsd 10 clang3.3

Regards, Eelke

So, as a workaround, if you already catch “ IS NULL” in BEFORE INSRT 
trigger, you could assign value nextval('...'::regclass)   right then 
and there explicitly in such cases.

Igor Neyman

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