I have a CTE that produces some row ids. I want to do a query with a
complicated join based on those row ids. I've tried running them split
into two (run CTE query, collect row ids, then run the complicated query
with id IN (id_1, id_2, id_3)) and it takes only a few seconds to run,
but when I run this as a single query it takes several minutes. Is this
expected behavior?

We have a message table (msg) where each message has a parent_id (a
nullable FK to the same table). I use the CTE to assemble a list of all
messages downstream of a given message (including that message). It
works pretty well:

WITH RECURSIVE downstream_thread(id, parent_id) AS
(SELECT pn_msg.id AS id, pn_msg.parent_id AS parent_id
FROM msg_table AS pn_msg JOIN msg_asset_table ON pn_msg.id =
msg_asset_table.msg_id JOIN asset_table ON asset_table.id =
WHERE pn_msg.message_type = 'interest_notification' AND asset_table.type
= 'tp' AND asset_table.public_id = '59c89bdcaf6711e3b67f12313b0a607d'
UNION SELECT pr_msg.id AS id, pr_msg.parent_id AS parent_id
FROM msg_table AS pr_msg JOIN downstream_thread ON pr_msg.parent_id =
SELECT id from downstream_thread;

There are 2.3 million rows in msg_table, but for any expected asset
public_id, this query will return only a dozen rows at most, and runs in
6 seconds.

Once I have the row ids, I use this complicated join; basically I'm
finding replies to the original message that come from any user at the
company the original message was addressed to. This takes under a

SELECT notification_reply_msg.*
FROM msg_table AS notification_reply_msg
JOIN reference_table AS notification_reply_ref ON msg_table.id =
JOIN thread_table AS notification_reply_thread ON
notification_reply_ref.thread_id = notification_reply_thread.id
JOIN user_table AS notification_reply_user ON
notification_reply_thread.user_id = notification_reply_user.id
JOIN user_table AS interest_notification_user ON
interest_notification_user.company_id =
JOIN thread_table AS interest_notification_thread ON
interest_notification_thread.user_id = interest_notification_user.id
JOIN reference_table AS interest_notification_ref ON
interest_notification_ref.thread_id = interest_notification_thread.id
JOIN msg_table AS interest_notification_msg ON
interest_notification_ref.msg_id = interest_notification_msg.id
WHERE interest_notification_msg.id IN (2648995, 2648996) and
notification_reply_msg.id IN (2648995, 2648996)
AND interest_notification_msg.message_type = 'interest_notification' AND
interest_notification_ref.header = 'to' AND
notification_reply_ref.header = 'from';

However, I tried combining the two queries:

WITH RECURSIVE downstream_thread(id, parent_id) AS
(SELECT pn_msg.id AS id, pn_msg.parent_id AS parent_id
FROM msg_table AS pn_msg JOIN msg_asset_table ON pn_msg.id =
msg_asset_table.msg_id JOIN asset_table ON asset_table.id =
WHERE pn_msg.message_type = 'interest_notification' AND asset_table.type
= 'tp' AND asset_table.public_id = '59c89bdcaf6711e3b67f12313b0a607d'
UNION SELECT pr_msg.id AS id, pr_msg.parent_id AS parent_id
FROM msg_table AS pr_msg JOIN downstream_thread ON pr_msg.parent_id =
SELECT notification_reply_msg.*
FROM msg_table AS notification_reply_msg
JOIN reference_table AS notification_reply_ref ON msg_table.id =
JOIN thread_table AS notification_reply_thread ON
notification_reply_ref.thread_id = notification_reply_thread.id
JOIN user_table AS notification_reply_user ON
notification_reply_thread.user_id = notification_reply_user.id
JOIN user_table AS interest_notification_user ON
interest_notification_user.company_id =
JOIN thread_table AS interest_notification_thread ON
interest_notification_thread.user_id = interest_notification_user.id
JOIN reference_table AS interest_notification_ref ON
interest_notification_ref.thread_id = interest_notification_thread.id
JOIN msg_table AS interest_notification_msg ON
interest_notification_ref.msg_id = interest_notification_msg.id
WHERE interest_notification_msg.id IN (SELECT id from downstream_thread)
and notification_reply_msg.id IN (SELECT id from downstream_thread)
AND interest_notification_msg.message_type = 'interest_notification' AND
interest_notification_ref.header = 'to' AND
notification_reply_ref.header = 'from';

The only difference is that I've added the WITH RECURSIVE expression at
the beginning and changed the id list to "SELECT id FROM

This takes over eight minutes to run. Is this the expected behavior when
joining on CTE expressions?

I realize I haven't given the full schema/metadata/explain output as
explained in the "Slow Query Questions" wiki page; I wasn't sure if that
applied in this case because it's more a question of why combining these
two parts is much slower. However, I'm happy to provide it all; I'm just
worried about how to identify what's relevant, because that's a lot of
tables in that join.

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