Hey dear list,

following the advise of Depesz I'm trying to use advisory lock.

I'm trying to perform parallel upsert.
I have 2 different sessions in which I run a very complicated querry (lot's
of CTE) concurrently. In fact this complicated querry is simply put inside
a plpgsql function for ease of calling.

the querry performs upsert in 3 different tables, each time using a
dedicated plpgsql function that looks like this :
PERFORM pg_advisory_lock(#1 , 2 or 3 depending on the table#,id of the
stuff I want to upsert) ;
WITH stuff_to_upsert ()
,updating AS (update returning id)
,inserting AS (insert if not updated)
PERFORM pg_advisory_unlock(same as above).

The querry call such plpgsql function like this
FROM result_to_be_upserted, function_upserting(...) as r

Yet I still have errors of duplicated primary key being broken because
trying to insert 2 times the same stuff.
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL:  Key (node_id)=(*12621*) already exists.

Of course when performing the querry sequencially I don't have any errors,
even performing it several times.

I have read the 2 pages relevant to pg_advisory lock, and I clean all the
advisory lock before executing the test that gives those errors.

After the errors happens (which means that 1 process completed and the
other failed), I can see that there is a lock in pg_locks with the id of
the row that caused the error when being upserted.

Any help is greatly appreciated, I have tried everything I could think of.


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