If you're talking about some kind of C application then it's going to be
portable only you'll have to rip out the PG API and replace it with the
Oracle API, I'm sure that's not such an easy task..

If you're speaking of an application written in say, PHP, then that's a
horse of a different color. I wrote a database class for PHP that gives me a
layer between my applications and the database, it allows me to change the
code in my database class for another database as opposed to going through
all the code that uses PG and changing it all to use another DB.. I would
strongly suggest you do something like that if you're needing to swap out
backends to applications fairly quickly... Note you could do the same thing
in C -- build a generic database library that is..

If you're talking about query/table layout portability then that's again
something different.. I'm not sure what all the differences are but I know
that everything in PG isn't the same as it is in Oracle. There are things
that PG does that Oracle doesn't and vice versa. For example I don't think
Oracle has sequences like PG's, and I'd guess that a lot of the aggregate
functions are named different and take different arguments..


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bela Lantos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 5:22 AM
Subject: Newbie question :-)

> Hi,
> I just started learning Database Design, our programs have to work on
> Oracle, but at home I run Linux.
> Can any of you tell me how portable are the programs written for
> Would they run on Oracle without problem?
> Is there an easy install and configuration guide anywhere on the net? I am
> a bit lost in the documentation that comes with the packages.
> Regards,  Bela

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