Hi list,
I have a strange problem in postgres (PostgreSQL 9.3.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit), there are granted privileges on schemas, tables, columns for roles that don't exist.

In pgAdmin for schema user_data the follwing wrong grants are reported:
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA user_data TO "482499";
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA user_data TO "17708";

Problem is:
- these roles don't exist,
- they can't be dropped (DROP ROLE "482499"; => FEHLER:  Rolle „482499“ existiert nicht)
- grants can't be revoked (REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA "user_data" FROM "482499"; => FEHLER:  Rolle „482499“ existiert nicht)
- ROLES can be recreated and dropped afterwards, but the grants persists:
    CREATE ROLE "482499";
    DROP OWNED BY "482499";
    REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE "wver_ims" FROM "482499";
    REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA "user_data" FROM "482499";
    DROP ROLE "482499";
- new tables can't be created in schemas with these grants
    CREATE TABLE user_data.test
       id serial,
       PRIMARY KEY (id)
    => FEHLER:  Rolle 17708 wurde gleichzeitig gelöscht
The roles are not listed in any catalog
    SELECT * FROM information_schema.xxxxxxx WHERE grantee in ('243683','243666','243689','482499','482499','17708');

Only in pg_auth_members there is a set for each of these roles:
    SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_auth_members WHERE member in ('243683','243666','243689','482499','482499','17708');
What can I do to get rid of these roles and grants?

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