On 09/24/2014 12:44 AM, Ilya I. Ashchepkov wrote:
I'm sorry about sending email several times. I haven't understand, was
it sent by gmail or not.

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 2:30 PM, John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com
<mailto:pie...@hogranch.com>> wrote:

    On 9/24/2014 12:23 AM, Ilya I. Ashchepkov wrote:

        Is spaces is necessary in text presentation of JSONB?
        In my data resulting text contains ~12% of spaces.

    can you show us an example of this?

One record
# select data from events.data limit 1;
{"can": {"lls": {"1": 76.4}, "mhs": 4674.85, "rpm": 168.888, "speed":
74, "runned": 166855895, "fuel_consumption": 74213.5}, "crc": 10084,
"gps": 1, "gsm": {"signal": 100}, "lls": {"1": 733, "2": 717}, "used":
19, "speed": 87.4, "valid": 1, "msg_id": 89, "runned": 72.75, "boot_no":
256, "digital": {"in": {"1": 1, "2": 0, "3": 0, "4": 0, "5": 0, "6": 0},
"out": {"1": 0, "2": 0}}, "visible": 20, "ignition": 1, "location":
{"course": 265, "altitude": 143, "latitude": 55.127888997395836,
"longitude": 80.8046142578125}, "protocol": 4, "coldstart": 1,
"timesource": "terminal", "receiver_on": 1, "external_power": 28.07,
"internal_power": 4.19}

Whitespacis percents in this record:
# select array_length(regexp_split_to_array(data::text, text ' '),
1)*100./length(data::text) from events.data limit 1;

Whitespace in test data
  # select count(*),avg(array_length(regexp_split_to_array(data::text,
text ' '), 1)*100./length(data::text)) from events.data ;
  count  |         avg
  242222 | 12.3649234646118312

The only thing I can of is to use json not jsonb. Modified example taken from docs:


test=# SELECT '{"bar":"baz","balance":7.77,"active":false}'::jsonb;
 {"bar": "baz", "active": false, "balance": 7.77}

test=# SELECT '{"bar":"baz","balance":7.77,"active":false}'::json;

json will return exactly what was put in.

Adrian Klaver

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