
I'd also note that I was unable to fix the file with Notepad++ because I
was saving it with
"Encoding > Encode in UTF-8"
rather than
">Encode in UTF-8 without BOM"
The "BOM" was the bit causing the trouble at the start of the file.

Thanks again,

On 9 October 2014 14:41, Adrian Klaver <> wrote:

> On 10/09/2014 02:37 PM, Rob Flemming wrote:
>> You were right!  (Of course, you knew that.)
>> I typed a new pg_hba.conf from scratch without all the comments, i.e.
>> only the connection strings, it worked.
>> Thank you 'Community'!
>> (Doh!  My kids think I'm so smart because I work on computers, some day
>> they'll discover the truth. Now to spend the afternoon backing up that
>> data...)
> The moral to this story is never let Notepad near anything you care about.
> If you have to use one of the MS apps to edit a text file use Wordpad,
> otherwise stick with Notepad++.
> --
> Adrian Klaver

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