On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 9:26 PM, Jerry Levan <jerry.le...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1) The upgrade evidently *deletes* directories pg_tblspc, pg_twophase, and
> pg_stat_tmp from
>    the postgresql data directory. Google said to recreate the missing
> directories and indeed
>    Postgresql then was able to start.
That's a good way to corrupt your data if using 2PC and tablespaces. (Be
sure to take a backup before the upgrade).

2) SystemStarter is no longer available. Gulp... I am not a very good plist
> creator.
>   Is there a fairly generic plist I can edit to specify my locations of the
>   software bits so I can have postgresql started at boot time?
That's not surprising, this feature is deprecated in Mavericks. And launchd?

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