On Thu, 20 Nov 2014 11:25:10 -0700 (MST)
Marcos Cano <mc...@stsa.info> wrote:

> i did it again... and the file shows exactly the same lots of :
> invalid command \N
> invalid command \N
> invalid command \N
> invalid command \N
> invalid command \N
> invalid command \N
> invalid command \N
> invalid command \N

Those errors are unrelated. Based on your earlier message, the table it's
trying to insert into doesn't exist, which means that each line of the copy
statement becomes that error as the script tries to continue executing.
Essentially, all of those are just chain-reaction symptoms of the real
error, which should be reported at the very beginning.

Got back to the top of that list of errors and find the one that preceeds
all of them and you'll start getting to the real cause of things. Based on
your earlier post, the table failed to be created ... find the reason that
fails and you'll be making headway.

There is a switch to psql (-v ON_ERROR_STOP=1) that causes psql to stop at
the first error it encounters instead of trying to execute what's in the
rest of the file. I don't know why that isn't the default anyway, but
enabling that will remove a lot of the red herrings from your error output.

Bill Moran
I need your help to succeed:

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