
If I run this set of commands against PostgreSQL 9.4.1 I pg_restore
throws an error with a permission problem. Why it does so is a mystery
to me, given that the user performing the restore is a superuser:

    # superuser creates database and materialized view
    createuser -s super
    createdb --username super orig
    psql --username super -c "select 'USING:' || version();" orig
    psql --username super -c 'CREATE TABLE x (y int);' orig
    psql --username super -c 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW myview AS select * from 
x' orig

    # change the owner of the view to myview
    createuser -S nobody
    psql --username super -c 'ALTER TABLE myview OWNER TO "nobody";' orig

    # dump and reload
    pg_dump --username super --format c -f dump.dump orig
    createdb copied

    # pg_restore errors
    pg_restore --username super -d copied dump.dump

The error I get is:

    pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
    pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2260; 0 16569 MATERIALIZED 
VIEW DATA myview nobody
    pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  permission 
denied for relation x
        Command was: REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW myview;

In pg_hba I am using the "trust" method for everything (this is a test

Is this expected behaviour or a bug?

Brian Sutherland

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