On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> Eric Hanson <elhan...@gmail.com> writes:
> > How do I express a composite type literal as text?
> The rules are given in the manual ...
> > I can't use the ROW() notation, because all values need to be represented
> > as text over a REST api.  But I can't seem to get the text-based syntax
> to
> > work:
> > select * from on_hand where item='("fuzzy dice",42,1.99)';
> > yeilds
> > ERROR:  input of anonymous composite types is not implemented
> That message isn't telling you that you've got a problem with the data
> syntax, it's telling you that you need to cast the literal to a named
> composite data type.  This works:
> # select * from on_hand where item='("fuzzy
> dice",42,1.99)'::inventory_item;
>           item          | count
> ------------------------+-------
>  ("fuzzy dice",42,1.99) |  1000
> (1 row)
> Now, I'm not too sure *why* it's making you do that --- seems like the
> default assumption ought to be that the literal is the same type as
> the variable it's being compared to.  Perhaps there's a bug in there,
> or perhaps there's no easy way to avoid this requirement.  But that's
> what the requirement is today.

Got it.  Ok, I'm reporting this as a bug.  Is this a bug?  Being able to
always express literals as text is a really valuable assumption to be able
to rely on.


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