Hi All,

please find herewith the following  query

1. select * from partdetails where scode=118 and
(to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, part_number::text)) @@ to_tsquery('104')

it is showing only 1 record as output, it is expected to give 17 records as

2. select * from partdetails where scode=118 and
(to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, part_number::text)) @@ to_tsquery('104/')

it is showing only 1 record as output, it is expected to give 17 records as

3. select * from partdetails where scode=118 and
(to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, part_number::text)) @@

it is showing  17 records as output.

In our search case we are passing parameter value as 104 and expected to
get 17 records.

Kindly some one guide here.

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