Medhavi Mahansaria wrote:
> I am writing a porting a procedure running in oracle to a PL/pgSQL function.
> I need to use commit and rollback in my function.
> I have read that usage of commit and rollback is not possible in PL/pgSQL, 
> however savepoints can be
> used.
> even when i use savepoints and rollback to a savepoint in the exception block 
> I am getting the
> following error
> ERROR:  cannot begin/end transactions in PL/pgSQL
> HINT:  Use a BEGIN block with an EXCEPTION clause instead.

Instead of explicitly using ROLLBACK, you have to code like this:

   INSERT ... -- may cause an error
   THEN ...

If you get into the exception block, PL/pgSQL will implicitly
have rolled back everything that happened between BEGIN and EXCEPTION.

Laurenz Albe

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