On Wed, 1 Apr 2015 06:26:36 -0700 (MST)
TonyS <t...@exquisiteimages.com> wrote:

> On Wed, April 1, 2015 8:48 am, Bill Moran [via PostgreSQL] wrote:
> >
> >>>> Running "analyze verbose;" and watching top, the system starts out
> >>>> using no swap data and about 4GB of cached memory and about 1GB of
> >>>> used memory. As it runs, the amount of used RAM climbs, and
> >>>> eventually the used swap memory increases to 100% and after being at
> >>>> that level for a couple of minutes, the analyze function crashes and
> >>>> indicates "server closed the connection unexpectedly."
> >>>
> >>> ANALYZE is supposed to work in a constrained amount of memory, though
> >>>  that amount depends quite a bit on what the data is and what you've
> >>> got the statistics target set to.
> >>>
> >>> We've heard reports that there are memory leaks in (some versions
> >>> of?) PostGIS's analyze support.  Whether that would apply to you would
> >>> depend on whether you're using PostGIS.
> >>>
> >>> Hard to say more without a lot more concrete info about what your
> >>> data is, what PG version you're using, etc.
> >
> > Don't know if I'm on the right track with this, but what is
> > maintenance_work_mem set to on this system?
> >
> Hello Bill,
> maintenance_work_mem is set to 480MB. I haven't changed that from what
> pgtune suggested.

Doesn't seem unreasonable, so my guess isn't right.

Bill Moran

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