On 23-04-2015 16:55, Marc-André Goderre wrote:
Hello, I'm processing  a 100Million row table.
I get error message about memory and I'ld like to know what can cause this 

psql:/home/ubuntu/create_topo.sql:12: NOTICE:  104855000 edges processed
psql:/home/ubuntu/create_topo.sql:12: NOTICE:  104856000 edges processed
psql:/home/ubuntu/create_topo.sql:12: NOTICE:  104857000 edges processed
psql:/home/ubuntu/create_topo.sql:12: NOTICE:  invalid memory alloc request 
size 1677721600
psql:/home/ubuntu/create_topo.sql:12: NOTICE:  UPDATE public.way_noded SET 
source = 88374866,target = 88362922 WHERE id =  142645362
(1 row)

The server  has a 10Gb of shared_buffer.
Do you thing this quantity of memory allowed should normaly be enough to 
process the data?


My question would sound stupid... you have 10Gb shared buffer, but how much physical memory on this server? How have you configured the kernel swappines, overcommit_memoryt, overcommit_ratio?
Have you set anything different in shmmax or shmall?


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