200 is a completely arbitrary value. At the time, I wanted to find indexes
that were sufficiently less used than most others in a highly queried
system. To find indexes that were never used, just change the value to 0.

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 9:12 PM, Venkata Balaji N <nag1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 11:41 PM, Melvin Davidson <melvin6...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Over the years I've wrote many scripts and queries to track the database
>> status. Recently I've had to convince a client who thought it was a good
>> idea to create indexes for every column on every table that it is really a
>> bad idea. To do so, I wrote useless_indexes2.sql, which shows every index
>> that has never been scanned. They still didn't believe me, so I wrote
>> wasted_index_space.sql. That shows how much space is wasted by all the
>> unused indexes.
>> I'd like to share those queries with the community, as I know there must
>> be others out there with the same problem.
> I had a similar problem a few times in the past with some of our clients.
> I completely agree that it is not at all a good idea and we are simply
> inviting an extra over-head from maintenance and performance perspective.
> Indexing every column of the table does not make sense as it is almost
> impossible that every column of the table can have rows with high
> cardinality. That's not typical RDBMS design.
> Generally, most of them believe that, if an Index is unused, though its
> not beneficial at-least its not a harm. That is not correct.
> - Depending on the data-types and cardinality of the columns, Indexes can
> occupy a lot of space and remain unused. This invites maintenance over-head
>   (ex: backups and vacuum operations)
> - The biggest problem is, if the table is a heavy-write table, even though
> Indexes are not picked during SELECT, they cannot escape
>   WRITES (INSERTS/UPDATES). This is purely an extra and unnecessary I/O.
> /* useless_indexes.sql */
>>        idstat.schemaname AS schema,
>>        idstat.relname AS table_name,
>>        indexrelname AS index_name,
>>        idstat.idx_scan AS times_used,
>>        pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(quote_ident(idstat.schemaname) ||
>> '.' || quote_ident(idstat.relname))) AS table_size,
>>        pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(quote_ident(idstat.schemaname) ||
>> '.' || quote_ident(indexrelname))) AS index_size,
>>        n_tup_upd + n_tup_ins + n_tup_del as num_writes,
>>        indexdef AS definition
>> FROM pg_stat_user_indexes AS idstat
>> JOIN pg_indexes ON indexrelname = indexname
>> JOIN pg_stat_user_tables AS tabstat ON idstat.relname = tabstat.relname
>> WHERE idstat.idx_scan < 200
>> AND indexdef !~* 'unique'
>> ORDER BY idstat.schemaname,
>>          idstat.relname,
>>          indexrelname;
> Not sure why do you have "<200"
> Regards,
> Venkata Balaji N
> Fujitsu Australia

*Melvin Davidson*
I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

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