Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 05/30/2015 10:05 PM, Rishi Gokhale wrote:
>> When I create a table with a column whose type is date the type gets
>> forced to timestamp without timezone after it gets created
>> ops=# CREATE TABLE test (
>> ops(#     name    varchar(40) NOT NULL,
>> ops(#     start date NOT NULL
>> ops(# );
>> ops=# \d test;
>>                 Table "public.test"
>>   Column |            Type             | Modifiers
>>  --------+-----------------------------+-----------
>>   name   | character varying(40)       | not null
>>   start  | timestamp without time zone | not null

>> The table creation is just a test, my original issue is while restoring
>> a backup (pg_dump/pg_restore) from another server also 9.4, where the
>> date types on numerous columns get forced to change to timestamp without
>> timezone.

> Not seeing that here:

A wild guess, since "date" in Oracle is effectively a timestamp:
Are you using EDB's Postgres Plus?

Laurenz Albe

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