On 6/5/2015 11:46 AM, Casey Deccio wrote:
On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Michael Nolan <htf...@gmail.com <mailto:htf...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Probably too late for this time, but in the past when I've needed
    to redefine the type for a column, I've made a dump, edited the
    dump file to change the type and then renamed the table and
    reloaded it.  That's usually several orders of magnitude faster.

Actually, not too late. My first ALTER is still running, and I still have four more to go. Sigh. I had thought of this but wasn't sure how it might compare. Thanks for the data point :)

if all 5 alters' were to the same table, you should have combined them into one alter statement.

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

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