Thanks so much Tom!

*Will J. Dunn*
* <>*

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:

> William Dunn <> writes:
> > Does anyone which is a more accurate estimate of a table's live
> > rows: pg_class.reltuples (
> >
> > OR pg_stat_all_tables.n_live_tup (
> >
> )?
> They're both inaccurate with different sources of inaccuracy.  I dunno
> that you should assume that one is necessarily better than the other.
> >    - Is pg_class.reltuples an estimation of live tuples only, or is it of
> >    all tuples (both live and dead)? I would guess it's live only but
> that is a
> >    guess
> Hm.  I'm pretty sure the planner takes it as counting live tuples only,
> but it looks like VACUUM thinks it includes recently-dead-but-not-yet-
> removable tuples.  We might need to do some adjustment there.
>                         regards, tom lane

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