On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 10:31 AM, Sven Geggus <li...@fuchsschwanzdomain.de>

> David G. Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > WITH exec_func AS ( SELECT myfunc(col1,col2) FROM mytable )
> > SELECT (exec_func.myfunc).* FROM exec_func;
> >
> > This relies on the fact that currently a CTE introduces an optimization
> > barrier.
> Hm, let me summarize. My function seems to work as expected and is only
> called once per row:
> Here is a working example:
> CREATE TYPE t_foobar AS (foo text, bar text);
> CREATE TABLE mytable (col1 text, col2 text);
> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('text1','value1');
> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('text2','value2');
> CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION myfunc(foo text, bar text)
> returns SETOF t_foobar as $$
>   RAISE NOTICE 'called with parms foo,bar: % %',foo, bar;
>   FOR i IN 1..4 LOOP
>     RETURN NEXT (foo || ' ' || i::text, bar || ' ' || i::text);
> END;
> $$ language 'plpgsql';
> mydb=> select myfunc(col1,col2) from mytable;
> NOTICE:  called with parms foo,bar: text1 value1
> NOTICE:  called with parms foo,bar: text2 value2
>          myfunc
> ------------------------
>  ("text1 1","value1 1")
>  ("text1 2","value1 2")
>  ("text1 3","value1 3")
>  ("text1 4","value1 4")
>  ("text2 1","value2 1")
>  ("text2 2","value2 2")
>  ("text2 3","value2 3")
>  ("text2 4","value2 4")
> (8 rows)
> Using your suggestion the desired two columns are generated, but I consider
> this a little bit ugly:
> SELECT (exec_func.myfunc).* FROM exec_func;
> mydb=> WITH exec_func AS ( select myfunc(col1,col2) from mytable )
> SELECT (exec_func.myfunc).* FROM exec_func;
> HINWEIS:  called with parms foo,bar: text1 value1
> HINWEIS:  called with parms foo,bar: text2 value2
>    foo   |   bar
> ---------+----------
>  text1 1 | value1 1
>  text1 2 | value1 2
>  text1 3 | value1 3
>  text1 4 | value1 4
>  text2 1 | value2 1
>  text2 2 | value2 2
>  text2 3 | value2 3
>  text2 4 | value2 4
> (8 rows)
> I would rather have a functiuon which already returns the desired two
> columns.
​the function is not the problem - its how you choose to incorporate it
into the query.

Assuming you are on 9.3+ what you want to use is LATERAL

Or you could move the CTE to a sub-query with an OFFSET 0 specification
(again, to prevent optimization).

David J.

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