On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 4:51 AM, Christian Ramseyer <r...@networkz.ch> wrote:

> Hi
> I have a pretty large table with syslog messages.
> It is already partitioned by month, and for a single month I have e.g.
> DM=# \d+ logs_01
>     Column    |            Type             |
> --------------+-----------------------------+
>  host         | character varying(255)      |
>  facility     | character varying(10)       |
>  priority     | character varying(10)       |
>  tag          | character varying(255)      |
>  log_date     | timestamp without time zone |
>  program      | character varying(255)      |
>  msg          | text                        |
>  seq          | bigint                      |
> Indexes:
>     "logs_01_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (seq)
>     "idx_logs_01_lower_host" btree (lower(host::text) varchar_pattern_ops)
>     "logs_01_date_index" btree (log_date)
>     "tridx_logs_01_msg" gin (msg gin_trgm_ops)
> DM=# select count(*) from logs_01;
>   count
> ----------
>  83052864

> A typical query on this table looks like this:
> explain analyze
> select log_date, host, msg
> from logs_01 as log   where  log.msg like '%'
>     and log.log_date >= '2015-1-18 1:45:24'
>     and log.log_date <= '2015-1-19 1:45:24'
>     order by log_date asc offset 200 limit 50;

I think that trigram indexes are not well-suited to searching IP addresses.

If the typical query is always an IP address for the LIKE, I think you
would want to build an index specifically tailored to that.  You could make
a function to parse the IP address out of the msg, and then make a
functional index, for example. It would require you to write the query
differently.  Whether it would be a btree index or a gin index would depend
on whether you can have more than one IP address in a msg.



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