
Postgres version 9.3.9

What is wrong with my usage of the plpgsql  "select into" concept 
I have a function to look into a calendar table to find the first and 
Last weekend date of a month.

In this simplified concept function I end up with a NULL for first or last 
weekend variable.

create or replace function sys.time_test ()
returns date as 
   first_weekend date;
   last_weekend date;

  SELECT MIN(CAL_DATE),MAX(CAL_DATE) INTO first_weekend::date, 
last_weekend::date FROM sys.calendar
          WHERE month_of_year = (extract(MONTH FROM current_date))::int AND
              year_of_date = (extract(YEAR FROM current_date))::int AND
             day_of_week IN ( 'Sat','Sun');

 RETURN( COALESCE(last_weekend,'01-jun-2014'));
LANGUAGE plpgsql volatile;

If I execute the same select logic from a psql shell I get the correct result.  

(1 row)

ace_db=# ace_db=#  SELECT MIN(CAL_DATE),MAX(CAL_DATE) FROM sys.calendar cal     
                                        WHERE cal.month_of_year = 
(extract(MONTH FROM current_date))::int AND                                     
cal.year_of_date = (extract(YEAR FROM current_date))::int AND                   
     cal.day_of_week IN ( 'Sat','Sun');
    min     |    max
 2015-06-06 | 2015-06-28
(1 row)

If I simplify to a single variable it works. i.e

create or replace function sys.time_test ()
returns date as 
   first_weekend date;
   last_weekend date;

  SELECT MIN(CAL_DATE) INTO first_weekend::date FROM sys.calendar
          WHERE month_of_year = (extract(MONTH FROM current_date))::int AND
              year_of_date = (extract(YEAR FROM current_date))::int AND
             day_of_week IN ( 'Sat','Sun');

 RETURN( COALESCE(first_weekend,'01-jun-2014'));
LANGUAGE plpgsql volatile;

I suppose I can adjust to write my actual function to have 2 selects; one for 
each variable.
However, I thought according to the documentation the targets could/must match 
the result columns for select into ?



Dave Day

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