
I am also interested in a deeper explanation of what you mean by, "The easy
way to do that is just to add a trigram index and search for similar
strings, and forget about full text search." Because I need to make a
decision about whether to use full text search or use other pattern
matching facilities such as LIKE and/or regular expressions. For me, the
reason I don't just default to full text search is the documents are
relative small (i.e, HTML <= 128K) and number fewer than 10,000 so I'm not
sure if the effort expended to learn the ins/outs of full text search will
be beneficial to my use case.



On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Jeff Janes <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 2:55 AM, amihay gonen <> wrote:
>> Hi  I'm trying to implement a text search in PG .
>> My goal to enable the user search on several columns also on partial
>> words.
>> here is sample code :
>> create table test_test( text_data tsvector, text_a varchar,text_b
>> varchar);
>> insert into test_test(text_a,text_b) select 'name ','name3
>> name' from generate_series(1,500);
>> update test_test set text_data=to_tsvector(text_a||' '||text_b);
>> CREATE INDEX test_test_idx ON test_test USING gin(text_data);
>> explain ANALYZE select * from test_test where text_data@
>> @plainto_tsquery('name');
>> my questions are :
>> 1. why the index is not used (I guess it is related to the way the data
>> is generated)
> It returns the entire table, so there is no point in using an index.  Yes,
> it is the way it is generated, the same data repeated over and over is not
> very realistic.  If you just want random text, I use md5(random()::text).
> But if you want text that looks vaguely like English, I don't have a nice
> trick for that.  Maybe load the sgml files into a table.
>> 2, how can I use pg_trgm with ts_vector to enable to answer query like
>> 10.10 or nam ?
>>    the idea is to use the gin index , maybe there are other option
>> without using pg_trgm?
> Do you mean:
> WHERE text_a LIKE '%10.10%' or text_a LIKE '%nam%' ?
> With the or, that going to be hard to optimize.
> Anyway, pg_tgrm requires its own special GIN index, it can't piggy back on
> the tsvector GIN index.
> CREATE INDEX whatever ON test_test USING gin(text_a gin_trgm_ops);
> or
> CREATE INDEX whatever ON test_test USING gin((text_a||' '||text_b)
> gin_trgm_ops);
> But, LIKE '%10.10%' is going to be tough for a pg_trgm index to help with,
> unless you compile your own code after removing "#define KEEPONLYALNUM"
> Cheers,
> Jeff

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