Melvin Davidson schrieb am 22.08.2015 um 21:40:
> Thank you for pointing out "run with standard_conforming_strings = ON"..
> However, that is NOT the problem.
> What is occurring is that the developers are sending strings like 'Mr. 
> M\'vey',
> which, if we set standard_conforming_strings = ON, would, and does, result in 
> errors and the statement failing,
> which is a lot less desirable that a simple warning.
> Therefore, I am trying to educate the developers in the proper method of 
> escaping strings,
> instead of loading up the error log with annoying warnings.

I strongly disagree: the error is not "annoying" and the statement _should_ 

The only way you can make the developers stop using that non-standard syntax is 
to make the satement fail. 


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