Hi, i m writing a C module (extension),  the procedure has a parameter that is 
of type numeric, 
inside the function i can not read the parameter or so it seems, this what is 

float8 db_balance,in_chgval;

in_chgval = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(2);

elog(INFO,"in_chgval = %0.2f",in_chgval);

The above elog, always shows cero, more over, i m also trying to read a
numeric from the database and substracted from the in_chgval parameter,
the operation always gives 0,, so apparently i can not read a numeric from a 
data base:

db_balance = 

elog(INFO,"db_balance(%f) - in_chgval(%f) = 
%f",db_balance,in_chgval,(db_balance - in_chgval));

it shows all 0 ..... please any advise would be really appreciated. thank you!!

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