
thanks a lot
about your questions

1. postgresql was installed via apt-get install postgresql -y command
2. in /var/run/postgresql/ there is only one file called
3. postgres is not running, I did not find nothing with ps command
4. I remove the file and I tried to run postgresql manually.
this is the result:

# /etc/init.d/postgresql start
 * Starting PostgreSQL 9.3 database server
The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output.!

I verified in /var/log/postgresql/ and I've not found nothing

On 3 October 2015 at 15:19, Adrian Klaver <> wrote:

> On 10/03/2015 05:50 AM, Paolo De Michele wrote:
>> hi there,
>> thanks a lot
>> so, I'm using docker on ubuntu 14.04
>> about permissions:
>> # ls -la /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main
>> total 72
>> drwx------ 28 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  3 12:41 .
>> drwxr-xr-x  4 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  1 11:59 ..
>> -rwx------  1 postgres postgres    4 Mar 21  2015 PG_VERSION
>> drwx------ 12 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  1 11:59 base
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  1 11:59 global
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  1 11:59 pg_clog
>> drwx------  6 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  1 11:59 pg_multixact
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  1 11:59 pg_notify
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 21  2015 pg_serial
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 21  2015 pg_snapshots
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 21  2015 pg_stat
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  1 11:59 pg_stat_tmp
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  1 11:59 pg_subtrans
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 21  2015 pg_tblspc
>> drwx------  2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 21  2015 pg_twophase
>> drwx------  4 postgres postgres 4096 Oct  1 12:18 pg_xlog
>> -rwx------  1 postgres postgres  133 Oct  1 20:00 postmaster.opts
>> -rw-------  1 postgres postgres   50 Oct  3 12:41
>> in /var/log/postgresql/ I've a file with 0kb
>> it is weird
>> is there a way to recover all dbs without starting the daemon?
> What OS and version are you running? Assuming a Debian/Ubuntu flavor for
> now.
> How was Postgres installed?
> So there is a pid file present in the data directory, how about in the run
> directory, /var/run/postgresql?
> Is Postgres running? so:
> ps ax|grep post
> or
> pg_ctl status  -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main
> If not what happens if you remove the pid and start Postgres manually, not
> through supervisor?
> because I've another one docker with the same configuration and works
>> fine (same os, same versione of postgresql)
>> On 3 October 2015 at 07:13, Nicolas Paris <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     ​Are you using docker on centos ? I had problem with
>>     centos/docker/postgresql because container size was (maybe still is)
>>     limited to 20GB on that specific OS​. Maybe not related, but good to
>>     know
>>     2015-10-03 0:03 GMT+02:00 John R Pierce <
>>     <>>:
>>         On 10/2/2015 2:02 PM, Paolo De Michele wrote:
>>             exec su postgres -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres -D
>>             /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main -c
>>             config_file=/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf"
>>             until yesterday there were no problem
>>             right now I see this in the /var/log/supervisor's directory:
>>             2015-10-01 21:40:18 UTC HINT:  The file seems accidentally
>>             left over, but it could not be removed. Please remove the
>>             file by hand and try again.
>>             2015-10-01 21:40:20 UTC FATAL:  could not remove old lock
>>             file "": Permission denied
>>         try...
>>              ls -la /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main
>>         The directory . should be owned by the postgres user, and it
>>         should have 700, 750, or 770 permissions.   all the files in it
>>         should also be owned by postgres.
>>         also look and see if postgres logged anything in its own system
>>         log files (/var/log/postgresql/9.3  or whatever).
>>         --
>>         john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz
>>         --
>>         Sent via pgsql-general mailing list
>>         ( <mailto:
>>         To make changes to your subscription:
> --
> Adrian Klaver

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