In order to process a large amount of data I need to run a procedure using 
parallel batch processes.  The query I run in each process is expected to ...
1- select a bunch of id (500) in a table (wait4processing) containing the list 
of all records to process2- remove selected records from wait4processing table 
in order to eliminate duplicate processing3- run the procedure 
(build_contributions_clusters) over the range of selected ids 
--The query I use:With ids as( delete from wait4processing where id in( select 
id from wait4processing limit 500)  returning id) select 
build_contributions_clusters(min(id),max(id)) from ids;
The query runs properly if I send it sequentially (wait for the completion of 
the query before sening it again) but it does'nt work when sending multiple 
occurrences in parallel.  Seems from the results I got that the first query 
received by the server runs properly but the following ones try to process the 
same first 500 records even if deleted - the build_contributions_clusters 
procedure receive NULL values instead of the following 500 records.
Since I am almost certain it is the expected behavior, I would like to like to 
understand why, and I would also appreciate to see alternative queries to do 
the job.
Thanks :-)                                        

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