> On Oct 13, 2015, at 19:56, Alex Magnum <magnum11...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to process some statistics for a pie chart (json) where I only want to 
> show a max of 8 slices. If I have more data points like in below table I need 
> to combine all to a slice called others. If there are less or equal 8 i use 
> them as is.
> I am currently doing this with a plperl function which works well but was 
> just wondering out of curiosity if that could be done withing an sql query.
> Anyone having done something similar who could point me in the right 
> direction? 
> SELECT count(*),country_name FROM stats_archive WHERE id=400 GROUP BY 
> country_name ORDER BY COUNT DESC;
>  count |   country_name
> -------+-------------------
>    302 | Malaysia
>     65 | Singapore
>     57 | Thailand
>     26 | Indonesia
>     15 | France
>     14 | United States
>     14 | India
>     13 | Philippines
>     12 | Vietnam
>     10 | Republic of Korea
>     10 | Canada
>      7 | Australia
>      6 | Brazil
>      6 | Czech Republic
>      5 | Switzerland
>      4 | Saudi Arabia
>      3 | Ireland
>      3 | Japan
>      3 | Sweden
>      3 | South Africa
>      3 | Belarus
>      3 | Colombia
>      3 | United Kingdom
>      1 | Peru
>    country_name  | count | perc  
> -----------------+-------+-------
>  Malaysia        |   302 |  51.4 
>  Singapore       |    65 |  11.0 
>  Thailand        |    57 |   9.7 
>  Indonesia       |    26 |   4.4 
>  France          |    15 |   2.6 
>  United States   |    14 |   2.4 
>  India           |    14 |   2.4 
>  Others          |    95 |  16.1 
>  Total           |   588 |   100 
> Thanks a lot for any suggestions
I would use rank to get a rank number for each record. 

> Alex

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