On 10/16/2015 07:50 AM, Louis Battuello wrote:

Also in the standby logs before and after the ERROR?

The primary log was clean. The standby contained the same error as the
pg_dump output log:

< 2015-10-15 01:10:50 EDT [42613] : [1-1]
user=postgres,db=<db>,remote=::1(55426) > ERROR:  canceling statement
due to conflict with recovery
< 2015-10-15 01:10:50 EDT [42613] : [2-1]
user=postgres,db=<db>,remote=::1(55426) > DETAIL:  User query might have
needed to see row versions that must be removed.
< 2015-10-15 01:10:50 EDT [42613] : [3-1]
user=postgres,db=<db>,remote=::1(55426) > STATEMENT:  COPY <table> (...)
TO stdout;

I ran the pg_dump process again this morning, ensuring that the standby
parameters were set, and it completed successfully with the
hot_standby_feedback enabled.

postgres=# select name, setting, unit from pg_settings where category =
'Replication / Standby Servers';
              name             | setting | unit
  hot_standby                  | on      |
  hot_standby_feedback         | on      |
  max_standby_archive_delay    | 30000   | ms
  max_standby_streaming_delay  | 30000   | ms
  wal_receiver_status_interval | 10      | s
  wal_receiver_timeout         | 60000   | ms
(6 rows)

postgres=# \q

I’m going to file this one under: ”DBA (/me/) failed to ensure the
postgresql.conf was saved with updated parameters.”

Been there, done that, understand.

Thanks for your help.

Adrian Klaver

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