
I am trying to clean up the query field returned by the pg_stat_statements extension and remove all comments.

Some of the queries in the query field contain comments like '-- some comment' and also '/* c style comments */'

I have managed to strip off the '--' comments and also white space but after trying numerous regex for this via google but I am stuck.

WITH to_clean AS (
regexp_replace(trim(query), '--[^\r\n]*', '') --clear up comments like this one <-- this is ok
    , '\s+', ' ', 'g') as q    --clear up white space  <-- this is ok
  FROM public.pg_stat_statements
WHERE dbid IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database())

SELECT regexp_replace(q,'/\*.*\*/','') as q /* strip off comments like this */ <-- cannot get a regex to do this
FROM to_clean ORDER BY q

Im now thinking it may be better to do in a pgsql function as I think if the comments are in queries then they need to be ignored.

Has anyone done anything like this?



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